Exploradores criativos –

jornadas transformadoras para transições de vida

Lagoa das Sete Cidades

Osmose profunda com a natureza

Ligação profunda: Trocas enriquesedoras

Reflexão profunda





A distância física de outros continentes permite um certo "espaço mental/espiritual" para experiências enriquecedoras aqui em São Miguel. Esta ilha, onde o poder da terra é tangível e palpàvel, oferece um cenário impressionante para aprofundar a compreensão das ligações e conseguir efeitos "aha"; isto é conseguido através de uma abordagem holística através das cinco capacidades centrais. A experiência profunda da natureza, os "impulsos" como centelhas de reflexão, bem como a troca interactiva focalizada num ambiente de respeito, oferecem novas perspectivas e encorajam a reflexão pessoal a reconsiderar aspectos da vida. Para uma experiência enriquecedora com outros convidados, será encorajado a envolver-se e para além da sua mente, a abir o seu coração e alma para alargar ainda mais os seus horizontes.


Experimente uma semana única e memorável

num edifício histórico do sécolo XVII:

pessoas que enfrentam a morte: doença terminal ou enlutados,

casais que querem reinventar depois de os seus filhos terem saído de casa,

ou quando a atenção se centra na reforma


Nós todos somos descobridores criativos!

Experiências transformadoras


Lagoa das Furnas

Encontre sua bússola interior em uma viagem de experiência com o Caribou – podemos convidá-lo a juntar-se:

para entrar em conversas profundas com outros convidados,
que convidam à reflexão


descobrir fisicamente o céu, o luar e as estrelas no meio do Oceano Atlântico?


recupere a sua criança interior criativa?


para embarcar numa autêntica viagem espiritual?


criar memórias emocionais tão vivas que se pode cheirar o ar do mar durante muito tempo!










Encontrar a sua bússola nos Açores

Imagine um mundo cheio de borboletas e lagos de crateras, penhascos elevados de vulcões cobertos de névoa e géiseres em ebulição, hortênsias azuis e amaryllis rosa.

Imagine a Atlântida...

Lagoa do Fogo

Os antigos colonizaram o mítico continente da Atlântida a oeste de Gibraltar. Devem ter pensado nos Açores, onde a beleza da natureza é omnipresente e o poder da terra é tangível e perceptível.


Minúsculas no Atlântico, como estrelas no universo, as nove ilhas do arquipélago formam o palco inesquecível para a sua viagem transformadora com Caribou.



Lagoa dos Caldeirões


Comprometa-se a tornar-se um explorador criativo


O crescimento é um conjunto de experiências – algumas juntas, outras sozinhas.


Experimente o Caribou numa pousada histórica do século XVII (anteriormente um mosteiro franciscano) com atmosfera moderna na ilha principal dos Açores, São Miguel. Passe uma semana – ou mais – neste oásis de hospitalidade com jardim e piscina. Descubra a ilha multifacetada e desfrute da liberdade de confessar a sua própria verdade.


Torne-se um descobridor criativo!


Alcance pessoalmente ao seu anticiclone dos Açores!


Chà Gorreana

O arquipélago

do explorador

Lagoa das Furnas

Exploração para além de São Miguel


O arquipélago dos Açores, a meio caminho entre a Europa e a América – durante séculos um ponto de encontro de piratas, marinheiros, aventureiros e exploradores do Atlântico – é ainda um mundo especial

um mundo especial. Quando se ouve o Açor, que ainda está em casa em quase todas as ilhas, chega-se...

Sobre nós

Ilha de São Miguel

Caribou foi fundada por nós, irmão e irmã.

Quando éramos crianças, já sonhávamos com o continente perdido da Atlântida.

Como adultos, continuamos a sonhar com um mundo melhor.


Esta busca pessoal, bem como os compromissos profissionais, levaram-nos por todo o mundo. Ao longo do caminho, adquirimos experiência, aprendemos e crescemos. E encontrámos os Açores, que estão o mais próximo possível de uma terra mítica.


Após cinco décadas iniciamos a segunda metade da nossa vida, ambos durante uma estadia nos Açores. Quando pensávamos no futuro e no caminho a seguir, parecia natural que expandíssemos a nossa procura ao longo da vida, dando aos outros a oportunidade de se aproximarem mais uns dos outros num ambiente significativo.


Os nativos americanos consideravam caribu, uma rena, sagrado. Quando caçavam um caribu, utilizavam todas as suas partes, porque se sentiam em dívida para com a Mãe Terra. Eram capazes de transformar cada parte em algo importante e precioso para si próprios e para a comunidade. Náo deferíamos fazer o mesmo com as nossas capacidades centrais?


O conceito Caribou de aproximar as pessoas está no nosso ADN. 



Siga o exemplo e torne-se um descobridor criativo

convidamo-lo cordialmente a juntar-se a nós!

...na viagem para o infinito,

Urban Waltenspuel + Regula Waltenspuel

Caribou Azores - Associação sem fins lucrativos (UID: CHE-238.540.079)

Informação e contacto

Um ambiente de vida comum determina a respectiva composição dos até 20 convidados para uma estadia comum, o que os reúne de forma natural. Com o objectivo de tornar as actividades conjuntas produtivas e enriquecedoras, o intercâmbio temático é adaptado ao respectivo contexto.


Os hóspedes ficam uma semana para mergulhar nesta experiência. Para participar, investir uma contribuição de custo entre 2.500 e 3.500 francos/euros (excluindo as despesas de viagem).

A pedido, por exemplo, de um grupo, uma estadia adaptada às suas necessidades também pode durar até duas semanas.

A casa de hóspedes pode acomodar 20 hóspedes em 10 quartos.


Época da estadia 2025


05.-12.07.      Der ko(s)mische Mensch – ins Unbekannte eintauchen (alemão)

12.-19.07.      New Horizons in the Atlantic – soon, early- or recent retirees (inglês)

19.-26.07.      Neue Horizonte im Atlantik – bald, früh- oder kürzlich Pensionierte (alemão)

26.07.-02.08. Aufwind im Atlantik – Trauernde/Verwitwete (alemão)

02.-09.08.      Updraft in the Atlantic – for the bereaved (inglês)

09.-16.08.      Atlantic Perspectives: Beyond Boundaries (inglês)





Nome *
O que gostaria de abordar/solver?
Como você ouviu falar do Caribou?
A sua faixa etária da vida? *
Recado *

Caribou Azores

c/o Regula Waltenspuel

Limmatstrasse 159

CH-8005 Zurique



+41 61 281 08 08

Estrada forrada de hortênsias


Nordküste: Ribeira Grande



Consciência traditional (trazedor de beleza)


In the search for their own identity, youngsters aged around 7-12 years long for role models who explain "the world" and with whom they can identify, as well as for guidelines (rules and laws) to which they can orient themselves and with which they can integrate themselves into society (class). They want to belong, to exchange, to be part of and to participate. They are like dry sponges that absorb everything from their environment and are thus completely oriented outwards.

The first role models are parents and teachers, neighbours and friends of parents but also increasingly pop groups as well as heroes in comics, stories and films. These influencers radiate authority (power, prestige and/or knowledge) and define guidelines and create a general order through a fabric of moral concepts, values and virtues: loyalty, diligence, punctuality, orderliness and politeness are okay, insincerity, laziness, unreliability, carelessness and ignorance are condemnable. They judge right or wrong and thereby set limits and impose sanctions and punishments in the tension between freedom and obligation. These are general standards and norms of interpersonal behaviour that define what is "normal" and corresponds to the growing "common sense".


In the course of history, rules and laws keep the earlier red impulsiveness and raw, warlike violence under control through obedience, guilt and shame, fulfil life, provide support and security and thereby pave the way for communities, cities, kingdoms and empires in secular and religious form. In the process, claims to power continue to play a very important role. Traditions are established that support entire civilisations and only thousands of years later (from the 19th century onwards) legitimise nation states through a better balance of freedom and obligation. In addition, the awareness of responsibility as a member of a community grows. In the family, children begin to take on "chores", in the state, citizens begin to contribute to the development of the community.

Representatives of society and religions, as civil servants, priests and scribes, explain which conventions, regulations and holy scriptures must be followed. The advantage: if one does what is permitted and avoids everything that is not permitted, one belongs, is part of the community and does not feel lonely. The person adapts, becomes conformist and faithful to authority. Deviations, ambiguities or ambivalences are not tolerated and only reluctantly or hardly noticed, because they could easily endanger the core of the still budding identity. In short: legitimacy through conformity. Therefore, it is (still absolutely) unthinkable to criticise the group, let alone break out of these conventions! That would mean losing ground and looking like a traitor in the eyes of everyone else. Because "the law of tradition is sacred", emerging doubts or problems are suppressed, denied or simply renamed, for example, atomic power becomes nuclear power – we are very inventive about that.


It is not a matter of finding meaning, goal and purpose of life oneself, but there is a clear "plan" for it, i.e. life has a "higher meaning" a predetermined direction and purpose with a predetermined outcome and an individual must take its place in the overall plan. As a "good person" they will follow this plan, e.g. the Christian 10 Commandments or the doctrine of unlimited economic growth.


Those who follow the prescribed path will be successful in life and rewarded by "God", according to certain promises of salvation. Therefore, as a sign of one's success, it is important to acquire material wealth and status symbols, reputation and prestige, to be known and to network with all those who have rank and name (celebrities) – and of course to be able to keep up with one's neighbours and maintain the status quo. "Money is a sign that God loves you," preaches American evangelicalism, which is directly linked to the myth of the "American Dream", i.e. if you work hard, you will be successful! This means making sacrifices, be it for the family or the company, without regard for one's own health or needs. This myth serves as a role model in all westernised societies all the way to Japan. And people who want to bond must withstand a rigorous selection process: They must have the same tastes, the same qualities, the same beliefs, the same social level and the same expectations. The values of one's group, gang, political party, religious community or in relationships with a partner, are internalised as a strong "thou shalt".


The inner world of feelings is still nebulous and, because it is oriented according to cultural expectations, relatively stereotypical and predictable. More subtle distinctions cannot yet be perceived. In this first, draft world view, one easily feels confused or threatened by any deviating demands, perspectives, differences and complexities. Thus, unpleasant feelings such as insecurity, anger or aggression are either suppressed, covered up by overly positive feelings or projected onto an "enemy image". Marginalising and excluding, it is easy to belittle or morally condemn "others", e.g. minorities such as dissenters, LGBTQIA+, foreigners, refugees, indigenous people...


How clever it is to combine state and divine power was already recognised five millennia ago by resourceful state leaders, for the verdict of "punishment" it is even easier to lead and control a people by cutting off their connection "upwards" to God and "downwards" to the earth. Upwards, a priest takes over the contact with the "supreme" and downwards, sexuality is strongly regulated: live celibate, if that is not possible, remain chaste/virgin until marriage and sexuality only for procreation!


Subsequently, political leaders supported and established powerful religious institutions under patriarchal leadership, which they used as state religion. Some of these constructs became independent and, convinced that they knew the absolute truth and represented God on earth, tried over time to displace all earlier religious forms such as nature religions with ancient knowledge of spirit and earth, for example those of shamans, Celts and Aborigines. As a result, the direct and original connection of man with the divine, which was still felt with purple, was largely forgotten and almost completely lost in the mists of history. Only in the transition from green to yellow were these memories revived.


Beauty is healing harmony as a result of a clear inner order and stability as well as inner balance, for example in nature or at the Taj Mahal in India. Here, people begin to consciously provide beauty into personal and everyday things. The prerequisite for this is to recognise disorder and imbalance and to actively try to bring these things back into balance and to create order and harmony. In this way they promote beauty in their lives, which usually also radiates outwards to nature and other people. Examples of this are all manual work: housework, gardening, hairdressing, baking, cooking or composing music. Over a longer period of time, building clear structures, connecting with the sound/vibration and power of the earth and with different materials, as well as caring for plants, everyday objects and also people, promotes awareness/perception and leads to deeper connection and love.


+   Supportive are: clarity and order with clear rules and laws that can create a common identity and meaning – or a wise patron who is dedicated to his family or his company

-    Obstacles are: hierarchical thinking that accepts different classes (e.g. in India unofficially still a widely accepted caste system)


Transition Blue à Orange

In the renewed pendulum movement towards individuality, the word "freedom" takes on increasing importance and demands from the individual more room for manoeuvre. Although high moral values are maintained and "one" knows exactly how things should be, perfectionist tendencies and the absolutist compulsion to fulfil one's duties slowly decrease. Needs and desires are increasingly communicated more clearly and the individual expression of one's personality is evolving.




Ilhéu de Vila Franca