Lagoa das Sete Cidades
Our mother's birthday wish to spend time with her children became a gift for all of us, with new explorations as a family.
This enriching experience has further inspired us to support others at different stages in life where pausing in a new and different way can be beneficial.
Experience a unique and memorable week in a historic monument from the 17th century
during transitions such as:
after the children left home, couples who wish to reinvent themselves,
faced by a life-limiting illness or bereaved
or when retirement is in the foreground.
5-12 July – Der ko(s)mische Mensch – Flyer – ins Unbekannte eintauchen (German)
12-19 July – New Horizons in the Atlantic – Flyer – soon, early- or recent retirees (English)
19-26 July – Neue Horizonte im Atlantik – Flyer – bald, früh- oder kürzlich Pensionierte (German)
26 July-2 August – Aufwind im Atlantik – Flyer – Trauernde/Verwitwete (German)
2-9 August – Updraft in the Atlantic – Flyer – for the bereaved (English)
9-16 August – Atlantic Perspectives: Beyond Boundaries – Flyer – for curious explorers (English)
The physical distance from other continents allows a certain "headspace" for inspiring experiences here on São Miguel. This island, where the power of the earth is tangible and palpable, offers an impressive backdrop for deepening the understanding of connections and achieving aha-effects; this thanks to a holistic approach through the five core capacities. Deep experience of nature, "impulses" as thought-provoking sparks as well as targeted interactive exchanges in respectful surroundings, offer new perspectives and promote one's own reflection in order to reconsider certain aspects of life. For an enriching experience with fellow guests, you will be encouraged to engage, and in addition to your mind, open your heart and soul to further broaden your horizons.
Find your inner compass on an experiential journey with Caribou –
may we invite you to:
foster reflection in profound exchanges with fellow guests?
hike under the marvellous skies, moonlight, and stars over the Atlantic Ocean?
recapture your creative inner child?
embark on an authentic spiritual journey?
create emotional memories so vivid, you will be able to smell the sea!
Chà Gorreana
Estrada forrada de hortênsias
Ilhéu de Vila Franca